The Role Accreditation Actually Plays in the Hiring Process
You may discover that you can attract higher quality candidates when they can earn credit or even complete a degree while attending your program.
Discover how to create an efficient and effective GAP Year,
Internship or Residency Program for your faith-based
organization or church with these articles and resources.
You may discover that you can attract higher quality candidates when they can earn credit or even complete a degree while attending your program.
Students earn academic credit through schools. So what does that mean for your internship, residency, or gap-year program? Do you need to start a school for your graduates to get credit? Here’s why you will need a school to offer an accredited gap year program, but you don’t need to worry about starting your own. The Truth about “Credit” Let’s first understand what we even mean by “credit.” Giving someone credit for completing a particular course or program means you are establishing a value system for that work that others will recognize. For example, your church might require prospective members … Read more
When you spend time in the trenches of real-life ministry you understand that there are some lessons you can only learn in the field. This has led to a growing movement of ministry leaders who want to move the center of ministry education out of the classroom. Expansive internships, residency programs, and gap year programs, are all emerging as alternatives to the classroom-only model of ministry training. If you have or are considering starting one of these programs in your own ministry, you may have questions about academic accreditation and ministry training curriculum. Here’s what you need to know. Does … Read more