Choose a Quick Launch or Custom-Designed approach to create Christian gap year, Church Residency, or Ministry Internship programs With University Degree Outcomes—seamlessly aligned with your mission.
Creating university quality training programs that align with your ministry's values and DNA can be daunting and resource-intensive. We know... it's a huge lift to develop and launch a program.
It can take years to develop, recruit, and staff for effective outcomes. And to plug it into degree pathways with partner schools is a whole other level. You can't afford to wait. Without the right framework, momentum stalls, and future leaders miss out on life-changing opportunities.
Fast-track your leadership development with pre-designed, ready-to-implement programs.
3D Launch Program (24-30 Credits)
Integrated Biblical Worldview Program (24-30 Credits)
Biblical Foundations Program (18-24 Credits)
Ministerial Leadership Program (30 Credits)
Pastoral Leadership Program (30 Credits)
Christian Camp Leadership Program (30 credits)
Intercultural Missions Program (30 credits)
Ministerial Leadership Program (30 credits)
Pastoral Leadership Program (30 credits)
Tailor your program from the ground up to match your unique ministry dynamics and goals.
CHRISTIAN GAP YEAR - Up to 30 credits (10 courses) of integrated learning aligned with your unique ministry dynamics, formation outcomes, and calendar and targeted for transfer into an array of degree program outcomes with partner universities.
CHURCH RESIDENCY - Up to 30 credits (10 courses) designed to help you train and launch ministry leaders with strong biblical foundations for real impact right now, and a practical leadership skillset that travels. Enrollable for certificate, AS, BS, and MA program outcome options.
MINISTRY INTERNSHIP - Up to 30 credits (10 courses) blended for deep integration with your internship roles, responsibilities, and rhythms. Train real skills with real time competency development. Enrollable for certificate, AS, BS, and MA program outcome options.
Our gap year program here at Arrowhead, has become a dynamic catalyst of our mission to Impact Lives & Make Disciples. Eleven:6 has made it possible for us to take our unique ministry context that is perfect for spiritual formation, personal & professional development to the next level. Our partnership with Eleven:6 expanded our camp programming, increased revenue, and exponentially grown our impact in the lives of young adults.
For over a decade we’ve partnered with Eleven:6 to create an internship program that has been a safe place for aspiring ministry leaders to learn, fail, grow, and pursue advanced degrees. Our graduates are all over the world serving as missionaries, ministry leaders, pastors, and counselors. Program grads are now staff members and ministry leaders at both of our campuses. I can’t say enough about the partnership.
Touch the World has always worked with teens, but we also see the incredible need to work with today’s young adults through next-level opportunities, such as an accredited gap year program. Eleven:6 allows us to remain true to our purpose, to equip young people to live out the mission of God, while providing college credit when needed or desired. I’m not sure that launching our gap year program would be possible without Eleven:6.
When we say accelerate, we mean it. The time frames below are typical/average for new program builds. Take advantage of our Quick Launch program options to get rolling in the shortest time frame. A one-year Christian Gap Year program or Ministry Internship is less complex than a 4-year specialized accelerated BS to MA program design. And we use the same basic workflow to retrofit and up-tool existing programs as we do to build out new ones.
Our signature Accelerated Design Process allows us to step into your world—to get to know you, your team, and the God-sized goals you’ve been called to, with either a Quick Launch program or a full custom build.
Intro Discovery Call
Mission & Outcome Framing
Program Design Draft
Partnership MOU
2-4 Weeks
With a clear vision, we can develop an action plan that leverages our plug-and-play toolbox of resources, including big school software and accredited degree outcome options, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Final Scope & Sequence
Custom LMS Portal Setup
Stage Customized Courses
Train Your Team (Skill + LMS)
2-12 Weeks
We’ll help you quickly launch a proven, university quality discipleship training program with minimal investment and incredible financial and eternal Return On Investment (ROI).
Recruiting Workflow
Student Onboarding
Run It! First Cycle Launch
Review & Refit Support
Calendar Dependent
Our Accelerated Design process, in conjunction with our uniquely integrated learning model, positions your church residency, ministry internship or Christian GAP Year program to go beyond academic baselines and produce ministry and marketplace disciple-makers with a higher level of tangible competency, capacity, and character.
Launch or upgrade a DNA-driven Christian Gap Year, Church Residency, or Ministry Internship program with university degree outcome options.
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